“Not To Blame” - A Song Of Grandeur By Cellz & Kila G
German-based musician, Cellz, teamed up with the talented Capetonian singer, Kila G, to grace us with their newest collaboration, titled “Not To Blame”.

The Alluring Sounds Of “Bella” By FeRn
The year kicked off with an impressive music release from FeRn, titling the three-track project “Bella”.

Exploring “Dreamer’s Paradise” By Diolini
The talented Diolini released her newest EP, “Dreamer’s Paradise”, telling her story while flaunting her stunning vocal abilities.

nexa proved to be the newest songbird with “Ugli Day”
Gifted vocalist, nexa, released her newest Neo-Soul project, titled "Ugli Day", proving she's got what it takes to deliver beautiful music.