“Not To Blame” - A Song Of Grandeur By Cellz & Kila G
German-based musician, Cellz, teamed up with the talented Capetonian singer, Kila G, to grace us with their newest collaboration, titled “Not To Blame”.

Thabo And The Crows Impress Yet Again With “This is The Medicine”
Thabo And The Crows released their newest work of 2025, “This is The Medicine”, gifting listeners a bundle of lovely different sounds.

Lookatups Finally Returns With “Try”
After a long hiatus, Lookatups finally returned to the scene with music of his own, dropping his melodic single, titled “Try”.

Tyler Page Drops Her Newest Heartbreak Ballad “Over You”
Tyler Page kicked off her 2025 with a stunning new single, titled “Over You”, telling a story of her journey after a heartbreak.

Tae Legolie & Karmina Milojevic Drop Their New House Number “Around You”
After impressing with her debut EP, “Changing Channels”, Tae Legolie flipped the switch, releasing her newest House track, titled “Around You”, alongside Karmina Milojevic.

Joshua Morris Explores A Wonderful Sound With “Something On My Mind”
Joshua Morris continues his winning streak, dropping his exceptional single, titled “Something On My Mind”.

Freddy L Have Finally Found “Stacey”
After weeks of promoting their newest single, “Stacey”, Fredy L finally dropped their newest heartbreak anthem.

Kozee Chikwenya’s new Drop has Him In His “Feelings”
Kozee Chikwenya dropped his newest single, “Feelings”, telling a tale of love over exciting Trap elements.

heyitskhanyi Brings The Fury With “playboy bunny”
The Pop-Rock genre in SA has a new prodigy on the rise. heyitskhanyi dropped her newest single, “playboy bunny”, blowing us away with her eccentric performance.

“Find You” By Faker Streets Is The Sound We’ve Been Craving
The Capetonian duo, known as Faker Streets, dropped their first track of the year, titled “Find You”, showcasing a refreshing sound.

K.Keed Urges Us To “Save Em”
With her debut album, “BITE THE BULLET”, almost ready for the public, K.Keed released the latest joint, titled “Save Em”.

How “Spirited Boy” Has Pixie Whip Feeling Thankful
Pixie Whip dropped her newest single, “Spirited Boy”, stirring anticipation for her upcoming “MOOD BUTTERFLY” EP.

SHIMII & His “Renaissance Baby!”
Shimii kicked off his 2025 with the release of his impressive eight-track project, titled “Renaissance Baby!”.

Sir Steez & Money Make$ Get Macho With “WHITE”
Sir Steez returned with his newest single, titled “WHITE”, alongside Money Make$, creating anticipation for their upcoming collaborative project.

Stirring up hype for his upcoming project, PUMAS+ROSES linked with Leynarthy to release their newest love ballad, “I STILL LOVE YOU FROM A MILE”.

How T!MBO’s “Only One” Brought Out His Funky Persona
T!MBO recently dropped “Only One”, a track he’d stored in his vault since 2022 and only just dropped now for the public to appreciate. A brilliantly crafted track from the gifted musician.

Mila Smith Kicks Off Her Year With “Stranger”
Mila Smith dropped her first single of the year, titled “Stranger”, telling a story of hopes of a relationship sadly not dwindling over time.

How Anica Kiana Would Have It “Any Other Way”
The Capetonian viral Pop star released her first single of the year, called “Any Other Way”, reminding listeners why she’s one of the top artists taking on the exciting sound.

A Triple-Threat Attempt From MVLICKE, Trxp & Esco On “AMANGA”
The boys from BIG QOSH united to drop their heat-seeker of a track, titled “AMANGA”, having Mvlicke, Trxp, and Esco all display their unique talents on a menacing beat.

The Alluring Sounds Of “Bella” By FeRn
The year kicked off with an impressive music release from FeRn, titling the three-track project “Bella”.