Jarry Pitboi unveils his inner fears on “POUND 4 POUND”
Image Shot By Kyra Wilkinson @sol.raf / Instagram
Stirring anticipation for his upcoming EP, titled “CROOKED TEETH”, the Capetonian wordsmith who goes by JARRY PITBOI, dropped his newest track off the project, “POUND 4 POUND”.
Maintaining motivation and willpower towards achieving one’s dream is no easy path, and Jarry used this thought-provoking track to expand on the challenges he’s had to face to achieve his goal.
As the soft jazz instrumentals faded in, Jarry immediately expressed his concern about his dream fading away from him, mentioning how he felt his time may be running out. He describes having to face these sorts of insecurities as them physically beating him pound for pound (hence the title).
He mentions how he’s ultimately doing it for the underground community, thinking of himself as a beacon of hope for those also going through the same struggle. However, he promises he will make it out, making his family even more proud of him than they are.
He also continues on how some choices have had to make him question himself, mentioning how he fears the size of his ego when he reaches that point. He talks about his concern about people constantly begging for more from him even though he’s got nothing left.
This was a lovely yet eye-opening track to listen to, making us understand what may be thought processes in many artists' worlds. Pitboi did an incredible job of riding his lyrics over the soft yet enticing instrumentals that swayed in the background.
Listening to music of this standard made us even more excited to hear what else he has in store for us with his upcoming EP. Check out the track, now available on YouTube.