FleeQy Makes A Colossal Return With “3SIXTY”

Image Sourced From @fl33qy_

It wasn’t so long ago when we questioned whatever had happened to the brilliant Fleeqy, who had been on quite the run with her previous releases like her “Chapters” album that dropped in 2022, or her hit single, “What I Do”, that released last year.

We always understood how gifted an artist she truly is, and the hype around her wave made complete sense. Fortunately for us, the superb virtuoso announced she’d be making her return with her newest album, titled “3SIXTY”, impressing us with her sweet sounds and reminding us why she’s so appreciated within the music scene.

Cover Art For “3SIXTY”

It’s safe to say, Fleeqy used this project to enhance her sound, expanding on elements from her “Chapter” album, bringing through lovely melodies over sultry instrumentals while sprinkling hints of her lyrical ability here and there.

Her vocal performances were such a blessing to listen to, especially on the tracks “A Little Bit”, “Honest”, and “Safe Space”. But that’s actually unfair for us to say, every singing performance she had was outstanding, truly showcasing how gifted of a songbird she is.

And we cannot forget how bubbly she is as a lyricist, flaunting her impressive poetry skills on the joints “AUDACITY”, “BREAD/HOW MANY TIMES”, and “No Handouts”. We loved how she coordinated this project, splitting the R&B from the Hip-Hop genres, but in a smooth yet subtle kind of way.

The features on this project all had fantastic cameo appearances, displaying their distinct talents on the tracks they were present on. The renowned LOOKATUPS did his usual thing, using his lovely singing talents on the track “Lendlela”, Joshy O’Hook brought the vibes on the bouncy track, titled “NJALO”, and Vinnie Raps provided some intense bars on “No Handouts”.

It’s pretty obvious Fleeqy wasn’t playing around when it came to assembling her production team for this project, consisting of the brightest minds in the game with names like T!MBO, Antii, TJ Notico, BBS, Noah Seda, 88oz, and Progressyv. They did a spectacular job crafting some of the finest beats, truly bringing this album to life.

This was a dope album to vibe out to, having Fleeqy break down her everyday thoughts and struggles while figuring out a way to navigate through them. This was a stunning album to experience, and we hope you check it out too, now available on multiple streaming platforms.


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