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Here’s our take on EASY FREAKS new album!

photo: sourced from @easyfreakmusic / instagram

It’s almost been two years since the iconic duo released a full body of work, stringing their fans along with many singles throughout the years.

Luckily, the two stars from Jozi finally released their highly anticipated album titled Everything’s Blurred But You and we’re thrilled to announce that this project did not disappoint.

With a track-list consisting of eight tracks and a satisfying run-time of thirty minutes, we got everything we expected to hear and more from the group.

photo: sourced from @easyfreakmusic /

This project will leave listeners with mixed emotions, as it touches on love and the struggles of heartbreak and trying to deal with it while moving on.

If you have yet to peep the project, expect heavenly vocal performances, catchy choruses, funky instrumentals, and overall just a lovely listening experience.

Tracks like Stay A While, Forever On My Mind, and Rest were DEFINITELY the tunes that remained stuck in our heads long after we checked out the project.

The album is available for listening through multiple streaming platforms and we highly recommend you check out and support the project.

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