How Hannah Ray’s “After Hours” told a sad tale
Image Sourced From @theofficialhannahray / Instagram
British-born, Capetonian-based singer, Hannah Ray, released her newest sorrowful single, titled “After Hours” - a song describing a relatable story of struggling with one’s emotions after dark.
The track kicked off with the songbird flaunting her gift over silence, describing her mental state, continuously describing how her head hurts, before the beat commenced.
She continued to speak on how lost she’s been feeling, with the hook having her ask a specific someone in her life if they had been calling for her love after hours. An act many of us have sadly experienced.
She detailed how used and abused she had been feeling, further describing how downhearted her mental spirit had been affected by her continuous battles, constantly running around in circles, and unfortunately ending up in the same situation.
As much of a gloomy track as this was, the style and sound of this single were fantastic to listen to, bringing about a mellow environment with gentle piano notes floating above a calming beat.
We were first introduced to Hannah after her impressive cameo appearance on Zulumecca’s “SEAMS.” project, hopping on the track “Right Back”, showcasing her angelic vocal abilities. After listening to more of her discography, we’ve been impressed with what music she can produce, and we look forward to seeing more of her upcoming work.